Mal and her friend Adrian, BFF's since 3rd Grade!
Mal and her boyfriend Ethan!! :)
The Party Boat!
Nick, imitating Titanic!
Mal, Mal's Cousin Alex, Me, and Mal's Best friend Adrian!
Erin, Hailey's Best Friend.
Me and Adrian
Us after the lake...yes, we had to shower and redo our makeup! :)
The Party Barge...we had like 25ish people on it!
The Back of the Boat!
Adrian...showing an example of her boyfriend.
Cruisin' in the car!
I love this picture! The bridge was legit...yes, bridges can be legit.
Beauty and the Beast Towl = EPIC
IT WAS A GOOD DAY SO FAR! Any day is fantastic with my best friend! :)
That looks like a lot of fun!