Thursday, May 6

Sleeping Beauty

So, I watched sleeping beauty yesterday with my amazing friends Bryce and Ashley and my Mother. And I really liked the plot of it! Oh how I miss legitimate Disney Movies!

I really liked the story line of Sleeping she fell into a deep slumber until her prince came and saved her with his kiss! I really like how when the prince goes and saves her the three fairies give him protection to keep him safe on his was to rescue her! The shield of virtue--and the sword of truth! I hope my prince has those! But he won't need to come save me :]

I also just like the title of the movie...because, i SLEEP all the time!
Prince Phillip reminds me of Josh! Haha, tall, light reddish brown hair, and handsome smile, and the son of a king!
What a great Happily After!

1 comment:

  1. We watch that movie all the time. I have to say that The Princess and the Frog has really grown on me too after the 50th time I've seen it. It's fun to watch those movies, but it's definitely more fun to feel like you're living a fairytale!
